Röwer & Rüb Showroom und Musterpark Runde Führanlage

Show Park and Showroom

We would love to see you!

Our exhibits include horse stalls, gates, doors, windows and an outdoor area with horsewalkers.
A truly hands-on adventure. Experience our range.

Röwer & Rüb show park

7.000 m² to touch and try out – at our company headquarters in Lower Saxony you can compare all the horsewalkers with one another, view a wide range of roofing systems and see the possible product variations yourself.

Röwer & Rüb Musterpark Tür Führanlage
Stalleingangstür mir Glaselementen umlaufend im Showroom

Tour of the showroom

Our consultants will be pleased to inform you of the technical details and advantages of our comprehensive range. Contact us to arrange an appointment and make sure you have lots of time! We will then take you on an exciting journey through the world of Röwer & Rüb.

Röwer & Rüb Configurator

In addition to our show park you have the possibility to use the Röwer & Rüb Configurator. With our Configurator you can design your own horse stalls – from the comfort of your own home or when you are out and about.



Röwer & Rüb-Boxenfronten
Röwer & Rüb Anfahrt

We look forward to meeting you

Experience our products in our show park, let us show you the technical features and advantages of our stable equipment.

Contact us to make an appointment at +49 4204 4803-100 or info@roewer-rueb.de.
We would also be happy to give you the details of reference projects in your area so that you can see Röwer & Rüb products for yourself.

Route planner